What is ShowKino ?

Showkino aims to manage video feedback on the sound engineer's cart.
Once configured, the software requires no manipulation during the work phases.
The system will record video, replay video, and be transparent automatically.

In this document PVR (Personal Video Recorder) refers to the hardware part of the system and
ShowKino refers to the software driving the PVR.

The 3 states of the PVR
1 - Pass Through state
Video entering the PVR is duplicated on its video output. The PVR is transparent.

2 - Recording state
The audio recorder starts recording. The PVR records the video.
When the audio recording stops, the PVR also stops recording the video feedback.

3 - Synchronous replay state
When the PVR is not in the recording state, it
- reads the time code transmitted by the audio recorder
- continuously searches previously recorded elements for a code corresponding to the one received.
If the audio recorder timecode is founded, the PVR switches to playback mode and
plays the synchronous video corresponding to the audio.

A patent application has been filed with the relevant authorities to protect this system.

How to build my PVR ?
Look at the DIY (Do It Yourself) manual in the documentation section.

How to wired the PVR ?
Connect an USB power supply to the PVR.
Connect the HDMI video out of the PVR to your monitor.
Connect a mouse to the PVR. It is enough for the setup and control the ShowKino software.
Connect your video signal to the USB video capture board of the PVR
Connect LTC timecode output of your audio recorder to the LTC input of the PVR

For audio recorders not able to provide a LTC including record information,
the tally signal output recorder needs to be wired to the tally input of the PVR to trigger the video recording state.

That's it !